District 54 will conduct the International Speech Contest and the Evaluation Speech Contest in 2025. All contests will be held in person.
Contests are a great opportunity for members of our clubs to showcase the best speakers as they compete, starting at the club level.
To be eligible to compete, a member must be a paid member of a club in the Area, Division, and District in which they are competing, and the club must be in good standing (minimum of 8 paid members). For the International Speech Contest, the contestant must also have completed Levels 1 and 2 in a Path or have earned a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) award.
Contest schedules will be posted below. If you would like to assist in any of these contests, please contact your Division or Area Director.
***Clubs must complete their contests by February 15, 2025.***
Area 10, TBA
Combined Area 11 & 12 Contests
February 23, 2025
Location: Valley Sheltered Workshop,
325 main St, Batavia, IL
Area 11 time: 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Area 12 time: 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Division A Contest
Combined Area 20, 21, 22 Contests
March 1, 2025
Location: 3001 West Grand Parkway, Peoria, IL 61615
briefing to start at 10:00am (tentative) and
10:30 am (tentative) contest start
Division B Contest
March 22, 2025
Location: 3001 West Grand Parkway, Peoria, IL 61615
briefing to start at 12:30 pm (tentative) and
1:00 pm (tentative) contest start
Combined Area 30, 31, 32 Contests
March 8, 2025
9 am briefing; 9:30 am contest start (times tentative)
Division C Contest
April 26, 2025 (date tentative)
Area 40, 41, 42 Contests
Division D Contest
All the forms you need for any of the speech contests are right here at your fingertips! The below link goes to the TI website, where you can select and download the desired contest kit.
This rulebook contains contest rules and checklists for the Contest Chair, Chief Judge and Contestant.
This document is step by step plan for speech contests including before, during and after the event. It also includes guides for briefing contestants, judges and other functionaries, as well as tips for virtual contests.
Noel Ganay conducted a webinar to help clubs understand how to conduct a quality speech contest. The PowerPoint he used in the webinar can be dowloaded below.