Welcome to the Toastmasters Pathways learning experience, an exciting, flexible and interactive way to develop your skills and help others in your club develop theirs. Pathways helps you learn communication and leadership skills that you need to succeed. It gives you:
Pathways is now back online after the program has been updated as of October 26, 2024.
Links to the User Guides:
PowerPoint document for explaining Pathways to others:
Monthly Support Zoom calls are available to help you with Pathways - click here for info
Our D54 Pathways Support Coordinator is Maryann Reichelt, DTM
Below document explains Level 1 for Paths purchased through October 27, 2021.
Below document explains Level 1 for Paths purchased after October 27, 2021.
The below link will take you to the Toastmasters International site containing the Evaluation Forms for all Pathways Projects
Some members have "stalled out" when they reached Levels 4 and 5 in Pathways, lacking ideas for projects to complete. We polled District 54 members who have achieved Level 4 and/or Level 5, and have compiled a list of more than 60 possible projects to help re-energize your Pathways journey.
TI website page showing the paths and projects in Pathways and a sample Ice Breaker project (the 1st project in Pathways).
TI website page showing the Paths and Projects in Pathways, including identifying the 5 Legacy Paths that are no longer available for purchase
This Pathways catalogue, courtesy of District 57, has a drill down capability. The user can click on a Path, then a Project within the Path, to provide a Description of the Project.
This spreadsheet is a matrix of all Paths vs the Projects in each Path. It identifies both the required and the elective Projects. Paths that are available in Print are also indicated.
This spreadsheet is a matrix of all Paths vs the Projects in each Path. It identifies both the required and the elective Projects. Paths that are available in Print are also indicated.
The Download Document button below is a simple one page document describing how a member can earn the Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) designation in Pathways.
Click here for a PowerPoint file with a more detailed explanation of the Path to DTM. The file can be used to present the DTM program to others.
This TI website page answers some of the more common questions from members.
Beginning July 1, 2023, Pathways content is no longer available for sale in full color, professionally bound materials.
Members always have the option to print their projects directly from Base Camp. You can access a downloadable/printable version of any project in your path using the instructions outlined in the Downloading Pathways Projects resource. Achievements in a paper Path must be submitted to TI by the Base Camp Manager using Form 8950.
Promote your club and your Pathways progress with these helpful resources.
Copyright © 2023 Toastmasters International District 54 - All Rights Reserved.
The information on this website is for the sole use of Toastmasters’ members, for Toastmasters business only. It is not to be used for solicitation and distribution of non-Toastmasters material or information.
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